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Refreshing authentication tokens

Protocol: HTTP

Encoding: JSON



Header: Authorization is represented by a string that is the refreshToken value that was returned either at the authorization, or the previous time the token has been refreshed.

Parameters: —

Input/request structure:

A PATCH request to the endpoint, where the Authorization header is required.

Output/response structure:

  status: {
    code: 0, //integer($int32)
    name: 'string',
    message: 'string'
  data: {
    accessToken: 'string',
    refreshToken: 'string',
    expirationTime: 0 //integer($int64)
  status: {
    code: 0, //integer($int32)
    name: 'string',
    message: 'string'
  data: {
    accessToken: 'string',
    refreshToken: 'string',
    expirationTime: 0 //integer($int64)


Response CodeDescription
200Authentication tokens have been refreshed successfully.
401Either the signature or refresh token are not valid, or the Bearer token could not be parsed from the Authorization header.
404User not found.
500Internal server error.