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Retrieving top contributions


A peer account must be authorized for this operation to succeed. See Authorizing an account.

When downloading fraud events—retrieving contributions—it is possible to filter the results generated in the response in various ways, using the request parameters.

Request parameters can be used in any combination to tailor response results to your specific needs.

Since request parameters are optional, specifying no parameters when sending a request will result in a response containing top contributions from the entire ledger.

For more information, see Retrieving top contributions > Parameters.

To retrieve top contributions, send the following request:

GET /api/v1/contribution-management/contribution?size=''&from=''&to=''&ft=''&org=''&self-only=''
GET /api/v1/contribution-management/contribution?size=''&from=''&to=''&ft=''&org=''&self-only=''
// size

// from & to

// ft

// org

// self-only

// fetch-mode

// combination
// size

// from & to

// ft

// org

// self-only

// fetch-mode

// combination

Expected result

The response to the GET request contains a list of the top contributions, filtered according to the parameters set in the request, if any.

  status: {
    code: 0, //integer($int32)
    name: 'string',
    message: 'string'
  data: [
      id: 'string',
      fraudType: 'Wangiri', //Could be one of the following: Wangiri, IRSF, StolenDevice, IPFraud, SMSA2P
      origination: 'string',
      destination: 'string',
      expiryDate: 0, //integer($int32)
      fraudStatus: 'string(enum)', //Could be one of the following: Active, Expired, Flagged
      confidenceIndex: 0, //number($double)
      isPremium: true, //boolean
      peerId: 'string',
      premium: true //boolean
  status: {
    code: 0, //integer($int32)
    name: 'string',
    message: 'string'
  data: [
      id: 'string',
      fraudType: 'Wangiri', //Could be one of the following: Wangiri, IRSF, StolenDevice, IPFraud, SMSA2P
      origination: 'string',
      destination: 'string',
      expiryDate: 0, //integer($int32)
      fraudStatus: 'string(enum)', //Could be one of the following: Active, Expired, Flagged
      confidenceIndex: 0, //number($double)
      isPremium: true, //boolean
      peerId: 'string',
      premium: true //boolean
  status: {
    code: 0,
    name: 'Ok'
  data: [
      id: '+14155552671-+14155552981',
      fraudType: 'StolenDevice',
      origination: 'US',
      destination: 'FI',
      expiryDate: 1666195955,
      fraudStatus: 'Expired',
      confidenceIndex: null,
      isPremium: true,
      peerId: 'string',
      premium: false
      id: '',
      fraudType: 'StolenDevice',
      origination: 'US',
      destination: 'SE',
      expiryDate: 1694775553,
      fraudStatus: 'Flagged',
      confidenceIndex: null,
      isPremium: true,
      peerId: 'string',
      premium: false
  status: {
    code: 0,
    name: 'Ok'
  data: [
      id: '+14155552671-+14155552981',
      fraudType: 'StolenDevice',
      origination: 'US',
      destination: 'FI',
      expiryDate: 1666195955,
      fraudStatus: 'Expired',
      confidenceIndex: null,
      isPremium: true,
      peerId: 'string',
      premium: false
      id: '',
      fraudType: 'StolenDevice',
      origination: 'US',
      destination: 'SE',
      expiryDate: 1694775553,
      fraudStatus: 'Flagged',
      confidenceIndex: null,
      isPremium: true,
      peerId: 'string',
      premium: false