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Release Notes

Version 1.3 (2024-06-05)

Main Changes

API Changes

Other Improvements

  • Transitioned the FIB platform to the latest stable version of Iroha 2.

  • Transferred access management of the stored contributions fully to the blockchain level of the system.

  • Unified terminology across all API requests and responses.

  • Added a check for the uniqueness of the phone number entered during user registration.

  • Optimized the data structures of all internal components, including the blockchain level.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug with blockchain nodes not reporting connectivity issues.

  • Fixed a bug with the request body validation process errors containing non-human-readable messages.

  • Fixed a bug that allowed users to flag irrelevant or nonexistent contributions.

Version 1.2 (2023-12-14)

Main Changes

  • When submitting a contribution or a flag, the API response now displays the reward for the said submission in tokens.

    Documented here:
    API Specification > Retrieving contributionsconfidence-score added to Parameters and Output/response structure updated.

  • When retrieving contributions, the API response now displays additional information.

    Documented here:
    Overview > ContributionsAPI requests data structure updated with flagger, self, old, new and creditsSpent fields.
    API Specification > Retrieving contributionsOutput/response structure updated.

  • Contributions on the blockchain now have a flagger value that displays the ID of a peer that flagged the contribution if it has been flagged.

    Documented here:
    Overview > ContributionsFlagging contributions and API requests data structure updated.

  • Added functionality related to the confidence index, a value between 1 and 100 that represents how confident the system is that a contributed fraud event is legitimate.

    Documented here:
    Overview > TokenomicsConfidence Index subtopic added.
    API Specification > Retrieving contributionsconfidence-score added to Parameters and Output/response structure updated.

Other Improvements

  • Performed an audit of the interservice communication safety, fixed known security-related vulnerabilities, updated the implemented third-party dependencies.

  • Indexed data on the network, enhancing the overall performance of the search engine that retrieves stored contributions.

  • Refactored and optimized the code structure of the query engine that can retrieve all data of any specific type.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where leftover data with peer details remained on the network after a peer had been deleted; this caused a new peer account to be corrupted in case it was registered again with the same credentials, as well as potential issues with other peer data getting corrupted.

  • Fixed a bug that allowed users to find out the subscription type of any other peer.

  • Fixed a bug with call processing timeouts being inconsistent.

Version 1.1 (2023-04-27)

Initial public version released with the functionality documented in our Guide.

Version 1.0 (2022-12-12)

Internal version not released to public.