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Retrieving download pricing rate

Retrieves the current prices established for retrieving contributions.

Protocol: HTTP




Header: Authorization — represented by a string that is the accessToken value that was returned either at the authorization, or the previous time the token has been refreshed.

Input/request structure

A GET request to the endpoint with the Authorization header specified.

Output/response structure

  status: {
    code: integer($int32),
    name: 'string'
  data: {
    price: integer($int32) //the amount of tokens rewarded for submitting a contribution
    confidenceIndexPrice: integer($int32) //the amount of tokens rewarded for submitting a contribution with the maximum confidence index
  status: {
    code: integer($int32),
    name: 'string'
  data: {
    price: integer($int32) //the amount of tokens rewarded for submitting a contribution
    confidenceIndexPrice: integer($int32) //the amount of tokens rewarded for submitting a contribution with the maximum confidence index
  status: {
    code: 200,
    name: 'OK'
  data: {
    price: 1,
    confidenceIndexPrice: 2
  status: {
    code: 200,
    name: 'OK'
  data: {
    price: 1,
    confidenceIndexPrice: 2


Response CodeDescription
200The pricing rate has been successfully retrieved.
401User signature is incorrect or failed to be decoded.
404Either account or its metadata key has not been found.
500Internal server error.