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Retrieving a contribution by ID

Retrieves a contribution that is stored on the network by its id (Fraud Identifier).
The assetDefinitionId value of any given retrieved contribution may be used to assemble a contribution flag for it.

Protocol: HTTP




Header: Authorization — represented by a string that is the accessToken value that was returned either at the authorization, or the previous time the token has been refreshed.


FieldValue TypeDescription
idstring(path)Range of id values (Fraud Identifiers), or a single one.

Input/request structure

A GET request to the endpoint with the {id} parameter and Authorization header specified.

Example: data/api/v1/subscription-management/subscription/

Output/response structure

  status: {
    code: integer($int32),
    name: 'string'
  data: [
        assetDefinitionIds: 'idRange#contribution',
        contribution: {
            id": 'idRange',
            fraudType: 'string',
            origination: 'string',
            destination: string,
            expiryDate: integer($int32),
            fraudStatus: 'string(enum)',
            confidenceIndex: number($double),
            isPrivileged: boolean,
            peerId: 'string',
            flagger: 'string',
            timestamp: integer($int32),
            flagTimestamp: integer($int32)
  status: {
    code: integer($int32),
    name: 'string'
  data: [
        assetDefinitionIds: 'idRange#contribution',
        contribution: {
            id": 'idRange',
            fraudType: 'string',
            origination: 'string',
            destination: string,
            expiryDate: integer($int32),
            fraudStatus: 'string(enum)',
            confidenceIndex: number($double),
            isPrivileged: boolean,
            peerId: 'string',
            flagger: 'string',
            timestamp: integer($int32),
            flagTimestamp: integer($int32)
  status: {
    code: 200,
    name: 'Ok'
  data: [
      assetDefinitionId: '',
      contribution: {
        id: '',
        fraudType: 'IPFraud',
        origination: 'GB',
        destination: 'US',
        expiryDate: 1719346471,
        fraudStatus: 'Active',
        confidenceIndex: null,
        isPrivileged: false,
        peerId: 'soramitsu',
        flagger: null,
        timestamp: 1711570471,
        flagTimestamp: null
  status: {
    code: 200,
    name: 'Ok'
  data: [
      assetDefinitionId: '',
      contribution: {
        id: '',
        fraudType: 'IPFraud',
        origination: 'GB',
        destination: 'US',
        expiryDate: 1719346471,
        fraudStatus: 'Active',
        confidenceIndex: null,
        isPrivileged: false,
        peerId: 'soramitsu',
        flagger: null,
        timestamp: 1711570471,
        flagTimestamp: null


For a detailed breakdown of every field and value in the body of a response, see Contributions: Retrieving contributions.


Response CodeDescription
200Contribution has been successfully retrieved by its ID.
400Contribution ID is incorrect or the fraud type could not be resolved by code.
401accessToken is either expired or invalid.
404Requested contribution cannot be found.
500Internal server error.