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Signing user email addresses

Every API request to authorize a user in the system requires a signature of the user's email address.

The exact implementation to your system may vary depending on the specific SDK or programming language being used. However, the overall sequence of events to sign a user email address should be the following:

  1. Create a keyPair object from the public and private keys of the user's Authorization key pair.
  2. Obtain a signature of the user's email address.
  3. Encode the signature as a Hex string.

The resulting encoded signature Hex string can be used as a part of the body for requests to the following endpoint:

Authorizing a user in the system

POST /auth/api/v1/authentication-management/session
POST /auth/api/v1/authentication-management/session

Iroha SDK references

You can use any Iroha SDK available to sign a user's email address. Below are references on how to sign a transaction using the following Iroha SDKs:

// Your package value
package something

// Import dependencies

class SimpleSigner {

    fun main(args: Array<String>) {
        if (args.size != 3) {
            println("Specify public_key, private_key and text to sign")

        // The public key of the user's 'Authorization' key pair
        val publicKey = args[0]

        // The private key of the user's 'Authorization' key pair
        val privateKey = args[1]

        // The user's email address
        val toSign = args[2]

        // Create a `keyPair` object from the Hex string of the public and private keys of the user's 'Authorization' key pair
        val keyPair = keyPairFromHex(publicKey, privateKey)

        // Obtain a `signature` of the user's email address
        val signature = keyPair.private.sign(toSign.toByteArray(Charsets.UTF_8)).toHex()

        // Encode the `signature` as a Hex string
        println("Signed message (Hex): $signature")
// Your package value
package something

// Import dependencies

class SimpleSigner {

    fun main(args: Array<String>) {
        if (args.size != 3) {
            println("Specify public_key, private_key and text to sign")

        // The public key of the user's 'Authorization' key pair
        val publicKey = args[0]

        // The private key of the user's 'Authorization' key pair
        val privateKey = args[1]

        // The user's email address
        val toSign = args[2]

        // Create a `keyPair` object from the Hex string of the public and private keys of the user's 'Authorization' key pair
        val keyPair = keyPairFromHex(publicKey, privateKey)

        // Obtain a `signature` of the user's email address
        val signature = keyPair.private.sign(toSign.toByteArray(Charsets.UTF_8)).toHex()

        // Encode the `signature` as a Hex string
        println("Signed message (Hex): $signature")
// @ts-check

import { crypto } from '@iroha2/crypto-target-node' // version: 1.1.1
import { freeScope } from '@iroha2/crypto-core' // version: 1.1.1

 * @param {string} publicKeyHex - ed25519 pub key hex
 * @param {string} privateKeyHex - ed25519 private key hex
 * @param {string} email
 * @returns {string} - email signature hex
function createEmailSignature(publicKeyHex, privateKeyHex, email) {
  return freeScope(() => {
    const keyPair = crypto.KeyPair.fromJSON({
      public_key: 'ed0120' + publicKeyHex,
      private_key: {
        digest_function: 'ed25519',
        payload: privateKeyHex

    const hashedEmail = crypto.Hash.hash(
      new TextEncoder().encode(email)

    return keyPair.sign('array', hashedEmail).payload('hex')

// example signature
const signature = createEmailSignature(

// => 9729e8fbcd425bfe48809cc996c9e6d3cecddf0848a51d8758582b3c84bb2caca8e41a8290018aa7064f0b9ec61d2b1a155d5e4c772bc992d918528cf6cb6308
// @ts-check

import { crypto } from '@iroha2/crypto-target-node' // version: 1.1.1
import { freeScope } from '@iroha2/crypto-core' // version: 1.1.1

 * @param {string} publicKeyHex - ed25519 pub key hex
 * @param {string} privateKeyHex - ed25519 private key hex
 * @param {string} email
 * @returns {string} - email signature hex
function createEmailSignature(publicKeyHex, privateKeyHex, email) {
  return freeScope(() => {
    const keyPair = crypto.KeyPair.fromJSON({
      public_key: 'ed0120' + publicKeyHex,
      private_key: {
        digest_function: 'ed25519',
        payload: privateKeyHex

    const hashedEmail = crypto.Hash.hash(
      new TextEncoder().encode(email)

    return keyPair.sign('array', hashedEmail).payload('hex')

// example signature
const signature = createEmailSignature(

// => 9729e8fbcd425bfe48809cc996c9e6d3cecddf0848a51d8758582b3c84bb2caca8e41a8290018aa7064f0b9ec61d2b1a155d5e4c772bc992d918528cf6cb6308
# Import dependency
import iroha

# Example ed25519 key pair
key_pair = iroha.KeyPair.from_json("""
  "public_key": "ed01207233BFC89DCBD68C19FDE6CE6158225298EC1131B6A130D1AEB454C1AB5183C0",
  "private_key": {
    "digest_function": "ed25519",
    "payload": "9ac47abf59b356e0bd7dcbbbb4dec080e302156a48ca907e47cb6aea1d32719e7233bfc89dcbd68c19fde6ce6158225298ec1131b6a130d1aeb454c1ab5183c0"

# Hash the user's email address:
hashed_email = iroha.hash(b"email@address")

# Sign the user's email address:
signature = key_pair.sign(bytes(hashed_email))

# Retrieve the encoded Hex string of the user's `signature`
print(f"Encoded signature:\n{bytes(signature).hex()}")
# Import dependency
import iroha

# Example ed25519 key pair
key_pair = iroha.KeyPair.from_json("""
  "public_key": "ed01207233BFC89DCBD68C19FDE6CE6158225298EC1131B6A130D1AEB454C1AB5183C0",
  "private_key": {
    "digest_function": "ed25519",
    "payload": "9ac47abf59b356e0bd7dcbbbb4dec080e302156a48ca907e47cb6aea1d32719e7233bfc89dcbd68c19fde6ce6158225298ec1131b6a130d1aeb454c1ab5183c0"

# Hash the user's email address:
hashed_email = iroha.hash(b"email@address")

# Sign the user's email address:
signature = key_pair.sign(bytes(hashed_email))

# Retrieve the encoded Hex string of the user's `signature`
print(f"Encoded signature:\n{bytes(signature).hex()}")